Viktor Golumbevskii is a composer specializing in music for interactive media and video games.
After graduating from the Kazan Aukhadeev College of Music as a conductor in 2019, Viktor continued his studies as a composer at the Zhiganov Kazan State Conservatory under Elmir Nizamov. The 2020 quarantine with the ban on live music events inspired him to explore interactive and generative music. But the program of the conservatory could not satisfy his search.
After dropping out of school in 2021, he began to independently study the FMOD and Wwise sound engines, as well as the principles of writing generative music, such as Markov Chains, Stochastics, Euclidean rhythms.
In his works, Viktor experiments with quotes, allusions and references, placing them in a unique universe consisting of electronic and acoustic sound worlds. His style is characterized by a combination of techniques from classical contemporary music with techniques of adaptive and generative music.
At the moment, Viktor is at the beginning of his creative path. In 2022, he wrote the debut work for the indie game «Panelki».
Мой музыкальный стиль могу охарактеризовать как современную классическую музыку. Моя палитра – классические и народные инструменты в различных сочетаниях и композициях от соло до оркестра, а также вокал от соло до хора.
Что отличает меня в моей области. Классическое академическое музыкальное образование и владение звуковыми движками, такими как FMOD и WWISE. Вдохновленный подходами великих композиторов-классиков, я пытаюсь применить их опыт, но к новейшим видам искусства, таким как видеоигры
. Композитор адаптивной музыки для игр.